While a few are brilliant, most single-panel cartoons don’t strike me as being funny or clever, and judging from the cartoon collection books I’ve found on the Internet Archive, they were even less so in olden days. Still, I could be wrong. And also I did have fun browsing through the books below.
Cartoon Cavalcade
Funny to see the idea of funny (or clever) changing over the decades.
Italian á la Cartoon
If you’re willing to learn a little Italian, here you go, pretty cute.
Cartoon Treasury: Pen and Pencil Humor of the World
Idk, possibly this isn’t the only funny cartoon among the hundreds in this 1957 international collection.
The New Yorker Cartoon Album, 1975-1985
Comparatively great. (I can enthusiastically recommend the 2666-page The New Yorker Encyclopedia of Cartoons: A Semi-Serious A-to-Z Archive*, which is charmingly arranged by subject (Bluebird of Happiness, Complaint Windows).)